Thursday 10 April 2014

An apple a day.. to brighten your day..


Buah epal... ada 2 jeniskan.. yang merah dan yang hijau.. kebiasaannya ramai yang suka epal merah.. manis dan ranggup... yang hijau ramai yang kurang suka.. sebab masam..

Sebenarnya dulu ada seorang kawan baik yang bagi petua makan epal hijau kalau nak kurus hahaha.. 2 biji sehari pagi dan malam.. masa tuh tah pesal tak teruja pun nak cuba..

Al-kisahnya.. last few week.. aku ke KL.. singgah makan di medan makan pertama komplek.. so orderlah air epal hijau.. dia jenis kaunter yang kita order dan kena tunggu... so masa order tuh.. nampaklah adik tuh potong epal hijau.. dan terus masuk blender... pastu bayarlah RM2.50 untuk secawan epal hijau tuh... uihhh rasa mahal ler pulak sebab proses ye bukanlah susah mana pun..

Later.. aku terfikir nak beli epal hijau kat pasaraya.. dan balik cuba buat experimen jus buah epal sendiri.. beli 15 biji baru 7.99... potong sebiji.. buang biji tengah.. potong kecil2 sikit.. masuk blender.. tambah secawan lebih air.. kalau nak manis boleh tambah gula.. biasa letak 1 sudu gula... letak 5 6 ketul ais.. then apa lagik.. tekan suis blend.... wahhh senang bangat jek... boleh dapat segelas besar.. dengan kos yang sangat minima.. rasanya modal untuk buat jus tuh dalam RM1.50 lebih kurang.. (1biji epal dalam .60, tambah kos elektrik.. air, gula, tenaga,blender).. yang best dah memang sejuk tak perlu tambah ais lagik.. dan boleh minum dengan gembira tanpa rasa bersalah...

Buat masa nie.. setiap hari pagi sebelum pergi kerja.. blend epal hijau masuk dalam bekas air.. bawa ke pejabat... sebelum mula kerja.. minum dulu air tuh sampai habis... then baru proceed buat kerja yang lain..

Petang pulak.. kalau rasa badan lesu dan perut mula keroncong sebab kena tunggu masa nak masak dulu.. blend epal hijau sebiji lagi... untuk recover badan.. akibat kepenatan drive balik.. cuaca yang panas.. rumah yang panas.. then boleh sambung masak dan buat kerja rumah balik...

Jika tak sempat buat masa petang.. sebelum tidur pun boleh blend lagi epal hijau tuh... dan minum sebelum tidur.. esok bangun.. amat senang buang air.. dan buang angin.. kalau nak detox dengan lebih baik... boleh blend epal hijau dengan celeri... (ini belum cuba lagi)

Semenjak amal makan epal hijau setiap hari nie.. rasa kurang sikit sakit leher dan bahu.. antara tanda-tanda stress dan tekanan... dan selalunya.. stok 15biji epal tuh boleh tahan utk stok seminggu kat rumah.. jimatkan.. dari nak order kat luar.. hari2 mahal jugakan... 

Kelebihan Epal Hijau :

Green Apple Benefits
Some of the primary health benefits of green apple are:
  • Contains a lot of fiber, which is good for digestion.
  • The chances of colon cancer are less if one eats green apple.
  • Relieves constipation.
  • Beneficial in treating gout.
  • Useful in controlling diarrhea.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Blood sugar gets stabilized.
  • Helps in treating rheumatism.
  • Improves one’s appetite.
  • It contains carbohydrates and therefore provides much energy.
  • It contains protein.
  • Has plenty of vitamins, such as Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6 and it is one of the most prominent green apple benefits.
  • It also has plenty of minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, Manganese, Iron, Potassium, Copper, Zinc
  • It helps in preventing liver problems.
  • Lessens the chances of developing skin diseases.
  • It consists of several anti-oxidants such as polyphenol as well as flavonoid that helps in reducing the risk of cancer by not allowing DNA damage to occur.
  • It has less cholesterol and is therefore useful for those losing weight.
  • As green apple contains a lot of Vitamin A,B as well C, it is very good for the nourishment of skin and also has a whitening effect on it.
  • It purifies the blood as it contains a lot of minerals.
  • One also less chances of suffering from liver problems.
Source : Here

Selain dari jus epal.. juga suka blend tembikai.. dan recently an article dari utusan.. kelebihan tembikai adalah bagus untuk menyingkirkan toksin dari badan... Beli sebiji tembikai... blend sendiri.. wah memang heaven sebab murah, jimat dan sedap..

Tembikai : 

Health benefits of watermelon

  • Rich in electrolytes and water content, melons are nature’s gift to beat tropical summer thirst.
  • Watermelons are very low in calories (just 30 calories per 100 g) and fats yet very rich source of numerous health promoting phyto-nutrients and anti-oxidants that are essential for optimum health.
  • Watermelon is an excellent source of Vitamin-A, which is a powerful natural anti-oxidant. 100 g fresh fruit provides 569 mg or 19% of daily-required levels of this vitamin. It is essential for vision and immunity. Vitamin-A is also required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin. Consumption of natural fruits rich in vitamin-A is known to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.
  • It is also rich in anti-oxidant flavonoids like lycopene, beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthin. These antioxidants are found to offer protection against colon, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung, and pancreatic cancers. Phyto-chemicals present in watermelon like lycopene and carotenoids have the ability to help protect cells and other structures in the body from oxygen-free radicals.
  • Watermelon is an excellent source of carotenoid pigment, lycopene and indeed, superior to raw red tomato. 100 g of fresh melon provides 4532 µg lycopene, whereas only 2573 µg in tomatoes. Studies suggest that lycopene offer certain protection to skin from harmful UV rays.
  • Watermelon fruit is a good source of potassium; Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure; It thus offers protection against stroke and coronary heart diseases.
  • Furthermore, it contains a good amount of vitamin-B6 (pyridoxine), thiamin (vitamin B-1), vitamin-C, and manganese. Consumption of foods rich in vitamin-C helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful oxygen-free radicals. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.
  • Total measured antioxidant strength (ORAC value) of watermelon is 142 µmol TE/100 g.

    Source : Here

Musim panas nie.. makan buah-buahan antara satu cara untuk mengelakkan dihidrat.. dan boleh cuba untuk kurangkan berat badan juga ;)

My Lunch Box..
My brunch meal, my green apple juice and my hot milo..

Jimat dan terjamin bersih serta InsyAllah halal..


t.a.t.a said...

Di belakang pejabat saya ada bazar ramadhan. Memang selalu beli air buah yang depa buat tu. Ada oren, belimbing, tembikai, epal. Blend situ dan terus bungkus. Satu plastik RM3. Boleh pilih nak letak ais atau tak.

So saya pun perhati la dia buat macam mana. Dua biji epal kecil, belah 4, campur gula dan air satu jag, blend. Tapis air dan masukkan dalam plastik.

Lepas tu saya pesan kakak saya belikan epal hijau dan buat sendiri di rumah. Dah tahu cara, laa ni bebila masa nak minum, buat sendiri. Lagi senang dan murah pulak tu.

Masa saya diagnosed batu karang 2 tahun lepas, ada yang kata suruh minum air epal hijau. Masa memula tu beli satu cup RM2. Mak aih tak larat la wei setiap kali beli RM2. Tapi bila dah baik baru rajin nak buat air tu. Hehe.

Tukang Padam Papan Putih Cute (T3PCute) said...


Tuhlah akak aritu masa tgk org tuh buat.. rasa macam.. ehh senang giler buat benda nie..

Tuh yang skrg nie.. beli buah kat kedai.. balik blend sendiri.. boleh buat bape byk nak..

bila buat air tembikai sendiri lagi puas sebab boleh guna bape banyak tembikai nak.. dapat segelas besar.. arituh masa mkn kat sri gombak.. segelas air tembikai dia charge rm6.. walhal gelas biasa jek.. cukup xpuas hati betul..

dgr juga petua buasir epal hijau bagus utk rawat penyakit tuh.. pakwe akak dr dulu dah lama suruh akak mkn epal hijau utk turunkan tekanan darah dan stress memanjang..

||alis|| said...

salam kak

rumah sy mmg ada stok apple hijau utk mak yg jaga gula dlm darah dia. dan kdg2 sy kidnap utk makan time lapo.

apple hijau n saderi tu sedap, mohon cuba.

sy kalau nmpak epal hijau, takde bnda lain terfikir, nk buat roti bun inti epal kayu manis.

dari nak sehat, terussss kalori kans, hihi!

kueh bakar said...

nabi kita, Muhammad SAW pun suka tembikai...


Tukang Padam Papan Putih Cute (T3PCute) said...


epal mmg baik utkorg ada kencing manis kan.. bila tau tuh teringat arwah ayah akak dulu.. dia mmg ada kencing manis.. How i wish I could blend for him an epal everyday..

wahhh macam sedap jek roti epal kayu manis tuh kan.. dulu ada kwn baik akak yg rajin buat cinnamon bun..sedap giler..

Tukang Padam Papan Putih Cute (T3PCute) said...


Oh akak pun baru tahu fakta nie.. Thanks ye... kena amalkan selalu ler ye ;)

marinahunny said...

Saya dulu hari2 mkn epal hijau. Bila lama2 terasa muak pulak. Skrg ni dh ada shake and take tu so ingt nk start blend epal hijau la lg senang dr kunyah2. Sy suka air epal dgn asam boi. Kira acilah kan hehehe

marinahunny said...

Saya dulu hari2 mkn epal hijau. Bila lama2 terasa muak pulak. Skrg ni dh ada shake and take tu so ingt nk start blend epal hijau la lg senang dr kunyah2. Sy suka air epal dgn asam boi. Kira acilah kan hehehe

Tukang Padam Papan Putih Cute (T3PCute) said...


eloklah kan buat sendiri.. jimat dan sedap.. ohh dedulu akak pun selalu order epal asam boi nie waktu lunch.. buat since dah buat sendiri kat rumah... jrg dah order.. ;)

Nutritionist said...


We have recently received a notification from Google stating that our website has unnatural links pointing towards it. This has really damaged our rankings on Google and as a result, we're trying to clear things up. Our website url is

We noticed the following page is showing duplicate, plagiarised content and backlinks pointing to our website from your site:

You copied everything of watermelon health benefits section from

I appreciate this is inconvenient and isn't a reflection on your website at all, but if you're able to remove content and the links, we would really appreciate it and would be very grateful.

I look forward to hearing from you.

umesh mangajji

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