Tuesday 26 May 2015

Sometimes you have to prepare to let go

Salam pagi Selasa

Things happen for a reason... bad things happen eventhou you have planned your best... sometimes you think of stars and moon.. but raining ruined everything.. however people always say that 'Hujan itu rahmat'... but sometimes we see it not as 'rahmat' but something that out of control.. and it might endup you blame yourself for not be careful or work hard enough...

I'm in middle of cross road I guess... I don't know where to turn.. right or left.. or just go straight.. or turn back... I know I have to move on.. I know I don't have a choice.. I know that somewhere in future those things might happen.. I have prepare the answer for it but... I don't know if I have the gurt to face it.. saying is easy.. doing is the hard part..

My entry this time sound cliche I think.. yeah.. this thought has been in my mind this few days.. I really find it hard to 'Not thinking about it'.. A friend have advice me to just 'Don't think about it.. because thinking just won't change anything.. you just gonna think and think.. things and time would just pass by'...

I wish that I could turn thing back... do it the right way.. but yeah.. we could never change the past... we just face it.. and move on.. think what you should do in future.. achieve it.. and be strong..

I hope I have enough courage to move on and face the challenges.. I hope I'm strong enough to prepare myself for the worst... I hope I don't have to let it go yet... This is about life.. this is about strength and this is about future... However I'm glad family is the one that I would hold on and support me..

p/s I know someone that always visit this blog and keep track on me.. please don't judge me yet and make a conclusion that I'm not okay.. I'm  just fine and fine.. Let me handle my life.. and just support me from far yeah..

I like this song and always sing along... 
Potret : Akim & The Majistret


Nedzork said...


Recommended Youtube Video For You!
* Tarian Giler
* Siapa tak ketawa memang tak normal
* Pembaca Berita Terlampau
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zonaku said...

no judging, sometimes we just need to pour it out. just that.

all d best

Tukang Padam Papan Putih Cute (T3PCute) said...


Did tht.. but have to prepare the worst.. however tq

||alis|| said...

hi kak.

just drop by to say i am still here. around here :)

Yati WTL said...

Salam perkenalan and salam ramadhan

Sometimes we do not know how strong we are until challenges come knocking at our door.

Tukang Padam Papan Putih Cute (T3PCute) said...


Wah lama ko menghilangkan dik.. slmt berpuasa


Thanks for stopping by..

yes I agree.. hope I have all the strength in the world

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